Road adventure


Madrid to Barcelona

688 km +7.200m 25h 25min

Madbar was an adventure where we aimed to connect Madrid and Barcelona in a non-stop format with complete self-sufficiency.

The adventure began in Madrid at 5:00 AM, with 688km of pure unknown territory ahead of us and sweltering heat, reaching temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius. Apart from the heat, one of the challenges we faced was the uncertainty of how our bodies would react as the hours passed, especially as night fell.

After cross half of Spain and discovering incredible yet desolate places due to their isolation, we crossed into Catalonia, where we began to believe that what was once a dream could become a reality.

But fatigue and hours spent on the bike took their toll, and the arrival in Barcelona felt never-ending.

At the end, we achieved our goal of connecting the two cities, completing 25 hours of pedaling covering 688 km and over 7,000 m of elevation gain.

Strava route

Follow the link to view the route on Strava and download it. Enjoy!